Understanding the trio among millennials, the use of technology, and the contemporary hr engagement practices


Background: The use of technology in HR engagement practices has been one of the major shifts amid generations where baby boomers have been inclined towards using technology, whereas millennial are inclined towards making its best use and harnessing their full potential in the working environment.

Aim: The main aim of the study is to analyse the trio among millennial, the use of technology and the contemporary HR engagement practices.

Methodology:  The research has adopted quantitative method where data has been collected by using survey questionnaire. The sample size of 250 respondents has been used for collecting information through survey. SPSS tool has

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Technology is no longer a background process but a strategic area. In the same vein, millennial are inclined towards taking advantage of automation in many areas, so they tend to trigger everyday activities such as downloading email attachments, processing invoices and customer documents, or checking data (Woldeamanuel & Nguyen, 2018). Automation increases efficiency, reduces human error, streamlines costs, and gives employees more time to solve more creative tasks. They are revolutionising many organisational activities from data analysis to risk analysis to customer management (Mosquera et al., 2018). Over the past years, it has become clear that teams of employees with diverse and diverse backgrounds make better business decisions. The number of millennial staff is constantly growing, and the company is working to increase the proportion of millennial generation in science, information technology, and engineering and mathematics jobs at the industry level (Weinbaum, Girven & Oberholtzer, 2016). Not surprisingly, nearly 60% of Millennial used chatbots as they are early adopters of the latest technological advances (Selamat & Windasari, 2021). While chatbots and artificial intelligence itself have existed in one form or another for decades, companies have only recently adopted them to use them in their interactions with customers as well as for increasing communications amongst employees (Selamat & Windasari, 2021).

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