Assessing the influence of information systems on an internal audit environment of the retail companies operating in Malaysia


Aims: The current study is intended to assess the role of information systems in the internal auditing of retail firms in Malaysia. Increasing globalization and consumerism has rapidly transformed the retail business into a continuously expanding and challenging domain. To sustain efficient financial functions, it is essential to maintain a transparent and efficient internal auditing framework.

Method/design: The study is based on a primary quantitative method, in which responses of 200 participants were collected through a survey questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale.

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With the emergence of a globalized market economy, the functions of internal audits have become a part of business organizations, due to which their scope, definitions, and functions have expanded substantially (Mexmonov et al., 2020). The function of internal auditing encompasses a wide range of tasks, including assessments of risk, control assessments of internal functions, and provision of consultation. Moreover, the internal audit function also helps provide governance functions, which further helps in the management and compliance of the company’s rules and regulations (Griffiths, 2016). The avenue of internal auditing was imitated in the 1930s. The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) described the function as an objective and independent assurance aimed at value addition and improvement of the operations of any organization.

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