Determining the attitudes of the local communities towards conservation through ecotourism in Thailand


Aim: The current study investigated the perceived influence of local populations’ attitudes and behaviours toward environmental conservation by implementing CBET methods

Method: Research is conducted by the application of quantitative method of research since data was gathered through survey questionnaires from 100 residents of local communities from Southern Thailand. The study found a high association between all ecotourism factors, such as planning, transportation, cultural preservation, and ecological knowledge and attitude of residents, using correlation analysis.


Technological development and globalisation have fuelled major changes throughout the world since these are one of the most powerful factors in the continuing rapid growth of the tourism sector and facilitating the ability of people to travel (Unhasuta, Sasaki & Kim, 2021). Therefore, considering the numerous unfavourable aspects of rapid developments in tourism, a significant impact has been observed on natural environments and societies due to tourism (Pornprasit & Rurkkhum, 2019). The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) officially resulted in an international agreement named Agenda 21 which has led the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to establish guidelines for local communities for sustainable tourism aimed at conservation of the environment under the community-based ecotourism (CBET) approach (Pookhao Sonjai et al., 2021). Consequently, organisations including the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the Earth Council have collaborated to introduce Agenda 21’s principles to the tourism sector. It is noteworthy that the importance of activities of tourism is a major source of national income in developing economies such as Thailand (Pookhao Sonjai et al., 2021). As reported in the World Travel and Tourism Council, 2345.1 billion Baht were generated by Thailand in 2014 through activities of tourism which constitutes 19.3% of GDP. However, the impact of such activities was also severely negative towards the environment for the natural areas. Thereby, sustainable tourism is the key to preserving the environment, culture and community which is also known as ecotourism (Pornprasit & Rurkkhum, 2019).

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