
Analysing the moderating role of sociocultural context in between leadership styles and employees engagement

Employee engagement and the factors influential on it has have become a debated and extensively enquired subject in the domain of organisational management (Anitha, 2014). While the topic is an important concern for human resource management, it is also of paramount importance from perspective of business growth and market competitive edge.

Impact of servant leadership on employees and firm’s performance: the mediating role of affective and cognitive trust

Leadership is critical to organisational success, and the importance of leadership cannot be overstated. Several benefits are provided to the company by the good practises of leadership. The servant leadership transforms the ruler from a servant to a follower. Carter & Baghurst (2014) and Liu (2019),

Employee job performance: The interplay of leaders’ emotion management ability and employee perception of job characteristics

Research has identified the significance of emotions and mood in leadership effectiveness (James, Crawford, and Oplatka, 2018). Emotions and mood can influence the way employees to think, act and feel. According to the study by Diamantidis and Chatzoglou (2018), the performance of employees in an organisation depends upon many factors,