Archive: Apr - Jun (2024)

The psychological and social impact of Covid-19: new perspectives of well-being in the UK

Modern society’s social and economic domains became severely distorted with the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. Although this was only one of the several epidemics faced by the world in the last two decades, its scale and severity were substantially more devastating compared to other pandemics such as the SARS-CoV in 2002, H1N1 influenza in 2009.

Influence Of Covid-19 On The Global Supply Chain: Learned Lessons And Mistakes Never Forgotten

Emergance of Covid-19 has been one of the major global issues. Initially, it emerged from Wuhan city in China, and it rapidly spread all over the world (Donthu & Gustafsson, 2020, Ivanov & Dolgui, 2020; Verma & Gustafsson, 2020). Although, it has attracted much attention among practitioners, scholars, and researchers.

Exploring the interrelation between Inflation, interest rate, exchange rate and economic growth: role of COVID-19 cases: Evidence from the UK

Economic factors like interest rate, exchange rate, inflation and economic growth have a major contribution to the trend being followed in the economic cycle. These factors are influential towards the economy because they affect the overall economy. The monetary policies set out the exchange rate and interest rate.

By: Karl John (MBA, Finance ) in May 2024

The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has increased uncertainties and disruption in a supply chain. Therefore, the aim of the researcher is to explore the influence of pandemic on the supply chain. However, to address this aim three main challenges were determined (disruption on the supply side, logistics and storage, and demand side) based on the literature review, to analyse its influence on global supply chain and how the mitigation strategies control disruption on these challenges.

By: Dr. Inita Asha (PHD, Health Management ) in May 2024

The study comprises of positivism research philosophy and the research approach being used is the deductive approach. The data is collected through 100 participants through the convenience sampling method. The research design is quantitative, and the primary method collects the data.

By: Olivia Mark (MBA, Finance ) in April 2024

In the research method a secondary quantitative research method was used, and data has been extracted from Statista and WDI website on inflation, interest rate, economic growth, and exchange rate from 2001 to 2021. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, lag order selection criteria, unit root test, VAR model, and impulse response test was used through using Eviews software.